Friday, October 8, 2010

Faces of Social Networking

The Many Face of Social Networking
The name of the networking site:  Ravelry
  • What was the target audience for this social networking site? People who are interested in fiber arts including knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving
  • How long was the site in existence?   It has been in existence since 2007.
  • Why was it popular? About 850,000 people worldwide are members of this site.  It is still going strong.
  • Is/was there another competitor in the same market that was more popular?  I did not find any other sites that are as large as this one with this focus.
  • Would you ever consider creating an account and using it?  Although I do crochet on occasion I do not have a strong enough interest to join this site and follow it or its members.  If I were more interest in this hobby or in buying or selling items of this type I would join so that I could increase my market contacts.  It might also be an excellent place to find supplies.  I just thought it was interesting to see that there is a social network on this topic..

The Name of the networking site:  DailyBooth
  • What was the target audience for this social networking site? This site is of interest to people who are interested in photography.
  • How long was the site in existence?   The site has been up since August of 2009.
  • Why is it popular? There are about 5500 listed members to the site.  It is popular with teens because you can follow other users in real time and see what they are doing.  There are also a few celebrities who are members of the site and that could be a drawing card for some.
  • Is there another competitor in the same market that are more popular?   I am sure there are other sites that have photography as their focus.  A Google search turns up many thousands of sites on social networking and photography. Some of them deal with taking the photos while others are more focused on the marketing or sharing of the photos.
  • Would you ever consider creating an account and using it?  I would not consider joining this site again because this is not a strong personal interest but I will be passing this information along to my daughter who is starting a photography business and would be very interested in having this information.

1 comment:

  1. Special interest networks are a whole other world and offer a focus. They have been around since Gopher-Telnet bulletin boards, but now they connect people like never before. Did you find one that is centered around an interest of yours?
